Where Have I Been???

Hi, friends!

I know that it’s been a very long time since I’ve posted. I thought I’d come on here and explain what’s been going on, since I owe you an explanation for my disappearance.

First of all, I’d like to apologize for being away for so long. I know that I left all of you hanging for a few months and that’s very unlike me. Next time, I’ll make sure to let you all know if I’m going to be away.

So, where to begin? As I’m sure you all know, 2020 has been a rollercoaster. It has affected us globally and no one has been through anything quite like this. I think quarantine affected me more than I thought it would. Honestly, my mental health hasn’t been too great. I lost all motivation to do things that brought me joy, including making this comic. All of the current events have been really upsetting to me and everything feels dark and hazy. Overall I’m doing okay, so please don’t worry about me! I’m safe and healthy for the most part.

If I had known I would be away for so long, I would’ve said something. Every week I would think to myself, “It’s time to start making comics again! It’s a new week so just do it!” and then it would end up not happening. That’s the biggest reason why I haven’t said anything. I would keep thinking everything would be back to normal for me, but about 3 months has passed.

I feel that being away for so long without a word is unfair for you guys. I don’t think I’ve been through anything quite like this, but no one can predict how they’ll feel or act under these strange circumstances.

I promise to return. I’m not sure what that’ll be, but it will be soon. When I start working on thumbnails and getting back into the groove of things, I will let you all know. I’ll update my social media and things will start. I just need to get out of this rut.

Thanks for sticking by. You have all been so sweet and kind during my time away. I have the best readers in the world!

I’ll see you soon!
- Michelle <3